hell (at) hell (dot) Africa

Oct 8 audio recording

I have created this website as a last resort, and decided to go public with this issue because private diplomacy has not worked. Chipo Siamafuwa is from Kafue, Zambia, and is a 7th Day Adventist. She is an immigrant to Canada, arriving in Canada on Feb 15, 2018, and is residing in Fort McMurray. and is employed at Bethel Happy Day Care. I had been supporting her financially for three years while she was still in Zambia awaiting to come to Canada, and after the expense of hiring an immigration agency and the cost of the trip and other expenses, and now that she has Canadian citizenship and a healthy son, then to hell with me. She has no further need for me so she dumps me but stays in Canada, after we agreed that we return to Zambia where I was making provisions for her here. I met with her mother in Kafue who automatically took the position against me

The following are chat messages from Jan 13, 2024:  

In this chat session she is clearly desiring to further use me to get sperm, but refuses to have me in her life any more, nor wants me as the father to my own children. Yet she denies that this is using me.  She will "find another way" (find another man to use him also for his sperm, and commit adultery against me.) I wd only have consented to another child if it was produced out a loving and caring relationship in which we remain together as a loving and caring family, and I as the father I am raising my own children. This is the "bigger picture". Am I to be expected to give sperm artificially to create another baby whom I will be deprived of?

She has taken my son Asher away from me (see also Asher.Africa) and she uses him as a weapon against me. She uses the police as a threat because in Canada all a woman has to do is call the police with a false accusation and the police automatically arrest him and he goes to jail. threats Altho she apologized for making threats, she continued to make them, so it was not a genuine apology. On this recording you can hear Asher saying " I don't want it .... mommy I'm crying..."  Asher is affected by all the problems between me and Chipo. Even at that young age (3 years old) he is showing evidence that the turmoil between us is affecting him.

On Jan 2d on voice chat my son told me "daddy come back" which broke my heart because how can I explain to him what is happening when he was only 3 years and 9 months old at that time? (I did not leave my son but was forced out by her threats and extortion). I am not allowed to talk with my son any more. I have created this website in defense of my son, who has been deprived of his father, and he cannot protest. As his father it is my duty to speak out for him and defend him. I love my son and it hurts me much to have him taken out of my life, and he is hurting also because of this. He also loves, needs, and misses his father. She is living under the delusion that she owns my son like shd wd own a bicycle. I have suffered much emotional pain and suffering as a result of her taking my son away from me. 


She loves the idea of court because judges are heavily biased against men and favour women. I refuse to submit to any court regarding my family. My family is not the property of any government or court. I only went thru with the legal "marriage" because it was a requirement to bring her to Canada. 

She has committed theft of my property which she had at her place and which she refuses to allow me to access. (if it is even all there any more)

My position has been consistent right from the start in that it is wrong to break up a family, and that when a man and woman make a commitment, they need to keep it. (I am not here referring to a "legal commitment" of "marriage", which in reality does not exist. I am referring to a moral commitment and obligation. A commitment is a commitment is a commitment. I have never once even suggested the possibility of leaving her. The issue here is that of maturity and responsibility. It is a serious thing to make a commitment to someone of the opposite sex. If we are not honest about it and have the right motives, and do not intend to keep it, then we shd not have made that commitment in the first place.

In the following example the circumstances are different, but the principle involved is the same. Try borrowing money from a bank then unilaterally deciding that you want to break the commitment to pay it back, and see what happens! Yet people do not take seriously the commitment that they make to the opposite sex, and they avoid their responsibility to follow thru with it. The fact is that they were not commited in the first place. They cannot blame anyone else for this, any more than someone can blame the bank for not paying back the loan. It's an issue of honesty, responsibility, maturity, integrity, and motives.

The common understanding of marriage is wrong. In reality marriage does not exist. Let me explain: Supposing that I get a loan from the bank, then later I go to a judge and ask him to cancel my commitment to pay back the money. Of course a judge will not do this, yet courts do this for marriage to allow people to avoid their commitments. A marriage cannot exist because if it can be voided, then there is nothing binding it together and therefore it cannot exist, any more than a loan agreement can exist if it is not binding and a judge can simply void it. Banks wd stop borrowing money. The legitimacy of the coming together of a man and woman is in reality based purely on the honesty, character, integrity, maturity, and responsibility of each. 

When anyone breaks a commitment they have no one to blame but themselves, despite hiding behind excuses or legal "reasons". A judge can declare that a woman can murder her baby, but does that make it right? A judge can declare that at school dances (as in the case now in Canada) that a boy can dance with a boy and a girl dance with a girl, and that a man can marry a man and a woman marry a woman, but does that make it right? We have to get away from this idea that anything that is legal is also right, and that the courts are "God's servants" which is a wrong teaching of Christianity (read Romans chapter 13). Courts are used to rubber stamp wrong doing and to justify evil.

In this case what Chipo had done against me and Asher is wrong, but to appease her guilty conscience and attemp to quell the cognitive dissonance within her she seeks the approval of the court and her like-minded friends who share the same wrong mindset, and as a group they regurgitate the same fallacies to keep propogating the same mindset, and must avoid any outside influence that may "upset the apple cart" lest they be confronted with a reality check. A closed circuit mindset tends to grow worse due to feeding on itself until the methods used to protect it and propogate it within the group become more extreme. It is a downward spiral. Deep in her heart she knows that what she has done and is doing is wrong. She is fighting against herself. The wisest thing for her to do is to come clean and be honest with herself and others, find refuge in the truth. Only then will she have peace in her heart. Please assist me by contacting Chipo and encouraging her to do what is right. 

If you are in Zambia, please further assist me by letting her family know that they shd encourage Chipo to do what is right. They are based on the family farm (headed by Chipo's mother Jane (Chilinda) Siamafuwa which is a 1 hectare farm just off the highway a few miles south of Kafue. It is past Chita Lodge, going south, and on the left hand side, not on, but close to the highway. It is immediately on the other side of the power lines, and is near the Kafue Boys School (on the south/southwest side of it). You can also contact Chipo by email csiamafuwa@yahoo.com, by phone
(country code 001) 780 531 7603 and encourage her to do what is right. She is also on Whats App, IMO, (she may change her phone number, WhatsApp, IMO, and Facebook accounts after this.) She is employed at Bethel Happy Day Care: info@bethelhappydaycare.com

Update: As it appears that she may have changed her Whats App and Facebook accounts, you can try IMO or her place of employment, or her email. 

Your help is appreciated. Thank you!

As my son had his 4th birthday on April 24, 2024, I have been denied the blessing of being with him for this, and I was not allowed to send him a birthday gift because I am not even told where he (they) are staying. It's the "golden rule": He who has the gold makes the rules. 

To my surprise I was allowed to video chat with Asher yesterday, June 16, (today is Father's Day) which was the first time in 3 months, yet other than this I know nothing of what goes on in his life, and still do not know where he is. I am still otherwise blocked out of his life. I am told nothing about him. 

This website is about a father standing up for and defending his son. I will never cease to defend Asher, who is suffering the worst in all this. 


The following message was sent to Chipo on July 5th, 2024:
The proper procedure was not done in the paying of the dowry and also the marriage procedure otherwise. Martin acted as the mediator in receiving and transferring the money, which was against tradition. This was a conflict of interest due to the criminal activity that manifested later on by this same Martin. There was no one there to represent me, and this was wrong.  

Your mother Jane also acted wrongly in all this, and all 3 of you were involved. I was the only one who entered into this with pure motives. 

Besides the fact that the proper procedure was not followed, the moral fraud of the marriage is that she married me for the purpose of financial gain, for both her and her family, not because she loved me. In all these months (from Nov 22, 2023) up to now (July 5) not one member of my "family" here in Zambia even did as little as contact me just to say "hi", (that is, other than Martin Siamafuwa who stole from me). Not one of them simply wanted to come to visit, with no alterior motive, just to visit and drink a cup of tea together or play a game of cards. Even at Christmas, none of my "family" here in Zambia contacted me, much less included me in any family Christmas get-together. I was alone for Christmas. To hell with me. Their daughter Chipo remains in Canada to provide a better life for them, which is why they wanted her to marry me. I myself DID go to visit those family members who were living on Chipo's mother's farm soon after I arrived in Zambia, so I practiced what I preach.

Follow the money. (and the sperm)


Today, July 29, 2024, I challenged Chipo to a polygraph exam, the results of which are to be made public. We wd both take the same test and are both required to make a full prepayment of the cost of both exams, with the liar paying for both exams. She has refused my offer. If as she alleges that I am committing defamation on this website, so let her stand by this and expose me publicly ... this is her golden opportunity once and for all to prove that what I am saying on this website is false. Yet she refuses to accept the polygraph challenge.  


Sept 8, 2024, she has declared that she has from now on stopped all communication with me and I am totally cut off from my son in every way. This is mental torture. In her perverted  mind she thinks that she owns my son like she can own a bicycle and she uses my son as a weapon against me.  Her power and control over me has gone to her head. Her mind is perverted and sadistic. This is the depth of depravity that she has descended to.

She will eventually seek a judge in a court "rubber stamp" her actions so that she can justify her perversion, depravity, and sadism. The courts of this world need to take a stand against women who use men as she has done. One way of doing this is to make a law that if a woman leaves a man FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER she cannot ever have any access to all their children) nor ever be allowed to see them again. But if she does take the children away from their father she will automatically be arrested and put in jail for life. A strong deterent is needed.

To have the laws changed to reflect this will make most marriages never happen in the first place, leaving only the women remaining who have proper motives, morals, ethics, and integrity, to marry or live with a man. It makes the woman 100% responsible for her actions. It will force a woman to be very carefull who she is marrying and why. It is a statistical fact that the majority of breakups, separations, and divorces are created by women, and it is easy to see why .... they alone benefit from these present one-sided laws: she benefits by taking the children, she gets HIS money that HE has worked for, leaving him in misery. This must stop! It is easy to see that these laws promote wrongdoing and irresponsibility in women. This must come to an end!

Which country will be the first in the world and set a legal precedent ending this situation? Chipo's actions, are at least in part, promulgated by the bad laws that exist across the world allowing women like her get away with their actions. Hats off to the first judge anywhere in the world who will be a real man and speak out against this, even if it means losing his job. All if what I have said above does not include the detrimental effect that this is having on my son who is without his father. 

Please share this link with your friends and add it to your social media.


The 3 main players in all this (other than me) are Jane Siamafuwa (the mother of Chipo), Chipo Siamafuwa, my wife, and Martin Siamafuwa, technically the nephew of Chipo but as they were raised together from toddlerhood, and are 1 or 2 years difference in age, they are basically like brother and sister. All of them are Adventists, with Martin being the head deacon in his Adventist church which is located beside the Adventist Eye Hospital in Lusaka. Martin is employed as a teacher at the Family Legacy school/orphanage in Lusaka, located south of the Great East Road in the Ibex Hill area. Jane attends an Adventist Church in the Kafue area.

false statement of expenses In his list of what Martin claims as his expenses (I never asked him to invest any money) He omits the two milling machines that he said he purchased and that I sent money thru Chipo to Zambia to pay for, the amounts paid having been recorded in a notebook in Canada which she conveniently "cannot find".

The amount that he claims to have spent using his own money was more than 6 months of wages at that time. How can he provide for his family of one wife and 3 sons by using these wages for a milling business? The whole concept of him intending to run a milling business from the 10 Miles location was not true. How is it that he never kept one reciept from these purchases which if true wd have been more than 6 months of wages? If someone genuinely used their own money to invest in someone elses business they wd have kept receipts to prove that they put their own money into it. Further evidence that he never invested his own money into my property is the fact that if he had done so he wd not have signed over the property to me until I had first payed him back for all of the money that he invested in it. 

Martin has committed fraud by taking payments from me for two working milling machines which he did not purchase. How is it possible that someone can purchase two milling machines on two different dates from two different sellers without asking how they are put together, and without asking if all of the parts are there, and without asking what type of product it produces such as the proper grade for nshima, or the grade for flour? And how is it possible that he did not ask if used parts are even still available for it, and how is it that he has no receipts from this purchase? And to do the same with a second machine all over again? And how is it that there was only one (partial) milling machine (with parts missing) when I paid for two fully operating machines? And how is it that (so he said) that he paid K6,500 (see item 10 on his list of "expenses") to a man from National Milling to put one machine together and test it out, but was not able to get it to work because a fellow deacon stole the rollers? Wdn't he have had this done by the seller before he bot it? And why did he not take this deacon to the police? He advised that his church elders advised against it because it wd give the church a bad public image. This story about the involvement of his church's elders and fellow deacon have not been verified yet as bring true. Martin's reported account involving other members of his church may be true or false. His story has not been verified and the Adventist Church in Zambia which remains silent on this issue. 

He did not purchased any working milling machines but instead got one scrap frame and claimed that this was one of the two working machines that he had purchased. I paid him to buy two working machines, not one scap frame and a few parts. He conveniently had two large electric motors in his home, for show. (He maybe even didnt buy them, but maybe borrowed them for show, after all, are no reciepts for any of these things)

He was raising chickens on my property and keeping all of the money to himself. He later planted maize without my knowledge or permission with the intentions of selling it and keeping the money for himself. There was damage to the property which he has not paid for.

The idea of running a milling business from my property was a fraud. It is not allowed to run an industrial business like milling in a residential area. The roof was leaking badly and it wd not be possible to use that building for milling (see foto of the roofing) He got scrap (junk) roofing sheets to make to roof from, but the living quarters had new roofing sheets that did not leak.  The noise from the machines wd have bothered the neighbors and the hedman's house was two stone throws away. There is no way that he cd have run a milling business from that location. He never intended to do so. He pocketed the money that I sent him (thru my wife Chipo, who was an accomplice, if not Martin being the accomplice to her). On the document that he signed over the 10 Miles property to me (even tho it was mine in the first place) he referred to it on that document as "the mini-milling" when no milling operation existed.

Martin was told not to set foot on my 10 Miles property again or it wd be considered as trespassing. After this he twice returned to commit  theft of property that was stored in the building.

Chipo committed theft by withholding necessary related documents for my farm in Kanakantapa, thus preventing me from selling it. Martin has committed theft by withholding relevant documents pertaining to 10 Miles property. Chipo and/or Martin have withheld all documents from me pertaining to the sale of my 2 duplexes in Flush Butt, Kafue, and money from these sales has not been properly accounted for.

My life is in danger here as it wd benefit them both if I was "silenced" because I have evidence of their crimes, and also because they can steal my land for themselves.




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